Claire Small Practice Nurse

Gender: Female

About me:

Claire grew up locally in Epsom but spent majority of her spare weekends and holidays on the coast in Suffolk where she enjoyed rowing, sailing and tennis. She went to the University of Exeter to study Sport and Heath Science’s before she went travelling for a year and met her husband! They now have two children who keep them busy! Once she returned from travelling Claire decided to go back to University to study Children’s Nursing and worked at Great Ormond Street for 10 fascinating years where she specialised in ENT, neurology and general surgery. She was very lucky to be involved in some incredible life changing surgeries including separating conjoined twins and putting in over 50 cochlear implants. It was a very rewarding career but once her children arrived life changed and she changed career to practice nursing and never looked back! Claire has been at the Wall House since 2020 and enjoys working alongside her local community maintaining an interest in caring for patients but has expanded her skills to our grown ups too.